Lunch and Learn Sessions: Boost Team Results & Performance with Open Dialogue

team joining a lunch and learn session in a co work environment

A team of people at a table discussing Lunch & Learns sessions.

There’s something to be said about striking a balance between organizational needs and the needs of its people. The absence of open dialogue and diversity discussions limits the level of success that a team can achieve simply because it suppresses the unique contributions of the employees behind a workforce and minimizes your organization's voice. Lunch and Learn sessions are like fertile soil where organizations can responsibly lay down seeds of diversity and open dialogue can be sown and nurtured by expert-led guidance in order to produce growth, innovation, inclusivity, and allow the needs of your leadership, ERGs, and your team to be fully met. 

In this blog, we'll explore how Lunch and Learn sessions can be the catalyst for fostering diversity, sparking meaningful conversations, and ultimately, boosting team results and performance.

What is a Lunch and Learn Session?

A Lunch and Learn session is exactly as it sounds; a learning session that takes place around lunch time or over a shared meal. These sessions offer a refreshing departure from traditional training programs by encouraging informal, honest, open dialogue. It's a fantastic way for employees and managers alike to acquire new skills, share knowledge, and connect with their peers.

Different Types of Lunch and Learn Programs

Lunch and Learn sessions come in various forms, catering to the diverse needs and interests of employees and organizations. Here are four types of Lunch and Learn programs you should consider implementing:

  1. Skill Development Sessions
    These sessions focus on enhancing specific skills or competencies that are relevant to your organization. They can cover a wide range of topics, such as leadership development, project management, digital marketing, or customer service excellence. Skill development Lunch and Learns are an excellent way to ensure that your team's capabilities align with your business goals.

  2. Personal Growth and Well-being Workshops 
    Personal development topics like stress management, work-life balance, mindfulness, burnout, and mental health awareness are crucial for employee well-being. These Lunch and Learn sessions not only support your team members' personal growth, but also contribute to a healthier work environment.

  3. Industry Trends and Updates
    In rapidly evolving industries, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is vital. Lunch and Learn sessions can be used to discuss industry insights, market trends, and emerging technologies. This type of program empowers your employees to remain competitive and innovative in their roles.

  4. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility (DEIBA) Discussions
    DEIBA-focused Lunch and Learn sessions promote diversity and inclusivity within your organization. These sessions can cover topics like unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, and fostering a culture of belonging. They play a crucial role in creating a workplace where every team member feels valued and respected.

By offering a mix of these Lunch and Learn programs, you can address various aspects of professional and personal development, fostering a well-rounded and engaged workforce.

Connect with our team now to see what types of sessions are available for your organization.

Why Lunch and Learns are Important for Org Development and Inclusivity

Lunch and Learn sessions have emerged as a valuable addition to modern workplaces, and our studies show how their importance cannot be overstated. We conducted a case study surveying over 1,500 Lunch and Learn participants and we found that 96% of employees found their Lunch and Learn session valuable, and 92% reported that they would find additional DEIBA training helpful. 

According to the Performance Management Report, nearly 48% of companies have started to invest and focus on productivity and engagement rather than development alone. These sessions offer a multitude of benefits that contribute to the growth and success of both employees and organizations.

Here's 11 Reasons why Lunch and Learn Sessions are Vital to your Organization:

  1. Each session provides a structured opportunity for employees to engage in ongoing learning, keeping their skills and knowledge up-to-date.

  2. Whether it's improving leadership abilities, mastering a new software tool, or honing communication strategies, Lunch and Learns facilitate skill development.

  3. Sessions encourage employees to ask questions, share insights, and engage in discussions, promoting a culture of communication and transparency.

  4. Lunch & Learns allow employees to connect on a personal level, improving trust, teamwork and collaboration across departments.

  5. The sessions often touch on personal development topics. They can inspire individuals to set personal goals, manage stress and avoid burnout, and improve their overall well-being.

  6. When employees feel that their personal and professional growth is supported, they are more engaged and committed to their roles. This increased engagement positively impacts productivity and job satisfaction.

  7. Compared to traditional training programs, Lunch & Learns are often more cost-effective. They require minimal resources and can be conducted in-house, making them accessible to organizations of all sizes.

  8. Sessions can be tailored to the specific needs and interests of an organization. This customization ensures that the content aligns with the company's goals and values.

  9. Lunch & Learns provide a platform for employees to share their expertise with their colleagues, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing.

  10. For remote and hybrid work arrangements, these Lunch and Learn sessions can bridge a gap and provide a sense of connection among team members, even when they are geographically dispersed.

  11. Offering opportunities for growth and development through Lunch & Learns can contribute to higher employee retention rates and lower attrition rates. Employees are more likely to stay with organizations that invest in their professional development.

The Rise Journey's Approach to its Lunch and Learn Sessions

The Rise Journey has taken the Lunch & Learn concept to the next level. With 60-minute, easily digestible sessions, our programs are meticulously designed to cultivate collaboration, innovation, and most importantly open dialogue within teams. In a study previously conducted by Udemy, 80% of people felt that learning new skills would help them become more engaged. By creating an atmosphere where team members feel not just heard but genuinely valued, they're paving the way for remarkable results.

Related: Check out a full list of our Lunch and Learn programs

How Lunch and Learns Enhance Team Performance

Learning experience scores before and after

Before and After Learning Experience Scores when participants were asked if they found DEIBA trainings valuable

Lunch & Learns are the perfect space for open dialogue. They provide a casual setting where team members can discuss ideas, ask questions, and offer suggestions freely. This open exchange of ideas can lead to innovative solutions, better teamwork, and increased motivation. When employees are engaged in their learning and have a voice in shaping it, they're more likely to apply what they've learned to their work.

Moreover, Lunch and Learn sessions encourage continuous learning and development, which are essential in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. They can be a catalyst for personal and professional growth, enabling employees to stay ahead of industry trends and contribute meaningfully to their teams.

4 Benefits of Having Open Dialogue in the Workplace

Open dialogue in the workplace is not just a nicety; it's a strategic imperative that offers numerous tangible benefits for both employees and organizations. Let's dive into these benefits in detail:

Coworkers having an open dialogue in the workplace

2 employees looking at a laptop together

  1. Employees feel heard. When employees feel that their opinions are heard and respected, trust flourishes. This trust extends not only to their colleagues but also to the organization as a whole. Trust is the foundation upon which strong working relationships and collaborations are built.

  2. Enhanced decision-making: In an environment of open dialogue, diverse perspectives are welcomed and considered. This diversity of thought leads to more informed and well-rounded decisions. When employees are empowered to share their insights, decisions become more robust and effective.

  3. Positive work culture: Open dialogue contributes significantly to the culture of an organization. It creates an atmosphere of inclusivity, where every team member feels valued and safe expressing their thoughts and concerns. This, in turn, leads to a positive work culture where employees are motivated and committed.

  4. Higher job Satisfaction: When employees feel that their opinions matter and that they have a say in the direction of their work, they are more likely to enjoy their roles and remain loyal to the company.

  5. Improved problem-solving: Open communication enables teams to identify and address challenges more effectively. When employees collaborate openly, problems are solved efficiently, leading to increased productivity.

Although many other benefits exist, the key point is that open dialogue is the backbone of a healthy, thriving workplace. It not only improves individual well-being but also contributes to the overall success and sustainability of organizations. Prioritizing open communication is an investment that pays dividends in the form of happier employees, stronger teams, and better business outcomes.

Ready to prioritize open dialogue and learning experiences? Explore our Learning & Development services.

How to Make your Lunch and Learn Sessions More Effective

build a successful lunch & learn session

Building a successful Lunch & Learn chart

  • Create and clearly define your objectives. Learn to keep it simple and aligned with the goals that your organization is trying to achieve.

  • Be consistent. Schedule your Lunch and Learn sessions regularly as a part of your team’s routine.

  • Choose topics that are both engaging and relevant to your organization’s needs. Avoid choosing what you think is valuable and listen to your team.

  • Make your sessions interactive. In this digital age, keeping the attention of anyone is hard, so get your creative juices flowing.

  • Gather feedback, listen to your team and try, try ,try again. 

Remember, the goal is to encourage open dialogue, so create an environment where everyone's input is valued.

The Impact of Lunch and Learn Topics for Employees and Managers

top lunch and learn sessions by topic of interest survey

Survey participants reported the top 7 topics they were interested in learning more about

The impact of Lunch & Learns on team performance is best illustrated through real-life stories. This is shown in the graphic above that highlights the top Lunch and Learn session topics of interest from this year's survey participants. Organizations that have embraced these sessions often report improved collaboration, innovative problem-solving, and happier, more engaged employees.

For example, America’s Test Kitchen (ATK), after implementing Lunch & Learn sessions, discovered that 97% of ATK employees surveyed found value in their learning experience which led to an increase in DEI budget spend and a continued partnership with The Rise Journey for Lunch and Learns.

Related: ATK case study

Real-life Impact and Feedback for Tailored Learning Experiences.

“I really liked the depth of information but not so deep as to lose the audience. Great recipes as takeaways!”

“It was a great topic overall and just makes you feel included in your own community or company when people have similar experiences as Latina in the workspace.”

“I found some of the information to be very helpful, such as the personal user manual and strengths/weaknesses self-assessment tools. However, some of the topics such as emotional self-regulation seem more appropriate to come from a presenter with training in mental health. Bernice has a very engaging presentation style and clearly a ton of expertise from her own experiences,”

“I could listen to Marisa all day! She is a great speaker and facilitator. I LOVE the section on Mind Set. I am in total control of my mind and am very aware of what I place in there and choose to listen to. Stop saying and Start saying it was my favorite takeaway! Thank you!”

“I really enjoyed the whole conversation; it was very calm yet informative and straight to the point. It didn't feel as if we needed to walk on eggshells. I thought the initial privilege activity was useful. The worksheet at the end was harder than I thought but was a nice reflection as to what I needed to work on.”

“I think it was good for our org to gain a common vocabulary and shared definition for psychological safety - we didn't really have one before. I think I would have liked a more interactive session: breakout rooms, live polls, etc.”

These quotes and the success story of ATK demonstrate the tangible benefits of open dialogue in the workplace, backed by the effectiveness of Lunch & Learns.

Learning & Development Options for Every Level.

Lunch & Learns are not just a fad; they're a proven method for boosting team results and performance through open dialogue. Whether you're an organization looking to enhance your team's dynamics or an employee seeking personal growth, The Rise Journey’s Lunch and Learn sessions offer a valuable avenue for growth and connection. Start a conversation within your team today and watch the real-life benefits soar.

Interested in getting started with a personalized session? Download our Lunch and Learn pricing sheet and check out our website for more information regarding HR and organizational assessments, more learning and development opportunities, and DEIBA initiatives. If you have questions, we'd love to hear from you!


Key Takeaways

  • Lunch and Learn sessions provide a fertile ground for open dialogue and diversity discussions, fostering growth, innovation, and inclusivity in your organization.

  • Consider a variety of Lunch and Learn programs, including skill development, personal growth, industry trends, and DEIBA discussions to meet diverse employee needs.

  • These sessions enhance team performance by encouraging open dialogue, innovative thinking, and continuous learning, aligning employees with organizational goals.

  • Open dialogue in the workplace builds trust, improves decision-making, cultivates a positive culture, increases job satisfaction, and enhances problem-solving.

  • To maximize the impact, define clear objectives, maintain consistency, select engaging topics, ensure interactivity, gather feedback, and prioritize open communication within your Lunch and Learn sessions.


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