A Note from Our Founders


A note from our founders:

This is an incredibly important moment for us all. For the ongoing fight for racial justice and equality, for doubling down on our values, for learning, listening, and growing.

We stand in solidarity with the Black community. We support those putting their lives and livelihoods on the line, those protesting, speaking up, creating art, and those who are finding their voices and perhaps encountering a new perspective.

This moment illuminates the systemic racism that persists in our country. In our education, justice and healthcare systems, and in our communities and organizations. It’s in our country’s very foundation, politically and economically.

We began our company in an effort to create a better future, one rooted in a vision of equality. We work toward this in the way we know how: by creating better workplaces, and by doing business better. 

This means pushing beyond diversity and inclusion as a “business initiative” and embedding equality, eradicating bias, and reimagining the values at the core of organizations. 

This moment is yet another wake up call, a time to stop and ask ourselves if we’ve done everything we can, if we’re reached everyone we can, and how we can do more.

We’ll continue listening and learning. And we’ll continue to think deeply about who we partner with, how we communicate, and the ethos we embody in order to become better allies. 

Thank you to those who are on the front lines, speaking out, creating change. We are humbled by your leadership.

Jessica & Jes


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