The Rise Journey

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Starting the New Year with DEI in Mind: January Holidays & Observances 2024

Celebratory toast during New Year’s work party.

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! A year full of promise with so much ahead of us to celebrate, acknowledge, or learn about! With so many holidays, celebrations, and observances on the calendar do you ever worry you might let some slip through the cracks? Fear not! The Rise Journey will be here with you every month, sharing resources and educational opportunities for you and your organization starting with January holidays and observances.

Each month you can expect an email like this one hitting your inboxes and overflowing with information on the observances for the month ahead as well as ideas on how you can bring these observances into your office culture to show your diverse workforce you are focused on inclusion and representation.

Countless studies show that having a more inclusive workplace allows for further creativity and diverse thought processes. Focusing not only on hiring and maintaining a diverse workforce, but educating your current workforce around DEI, can lead to a higher level of empathy and understanding amongst your employees from different backgrounds.

Read on for a nearly complete list of January’s monthly observances and how to acknowledge them in the workplace, plus resources to share with your employees and more!

List of 4 January Monthly Observances and Holidays

1) New Year Celebrations

Across the world, countries that follow the Gregorian calendar ring in the new year on the first day of January. Expect fireworks, parties, and a glass of champagne (or sparkling juice) to welcome the year ahead. Looking for ways to spread awareness and celebrate the observance with your workplace? We've got you covered!

2) National Clean Your Desk Day

January 9th marks this organized way to return to the office after your holiday break! Spend a few minutes in the morning cleaning off your desk, emptying your drawers of old pen caps, paper clips, and crumpled up post-its to start the year off on a clean slate!

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3) Martin Luther King Jr. Day

On January 15th, we celebrate and remember the life and work of King, an American civil rights leader. The day is observed with various events that honor Dr. King's memory and legacies, such as church services, educational programs, and community meetings intended to promote equal rights for all Americans regardless of race or color. 

Related Lunch & Learn sessions

4) International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27th, also known as Holocaust Memorial Day, honors victims of the Holocaust and raises awareness for genocide intolerance. Holocaust Memorial Day is a reminder that, as communities and individuals, it is our shared responsibility in tackling bigotry, prejudice, and hatred, so that we can ensure these acts of violence never repeat. In recent times especially, there has been a rise in news coverage on recent acts and practices of antisemitism, and a greater call to action for individuals to take a stand against these prejudices.

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How The Rise Journey is Helping Organizations Better Support Employees

Resolutions may be a thing of the past for most of us, but starting a new year off with intentions and goals is always a positive thing. Why not bring that fresh perspective into the workplace? As we head into Q1, let’s focus on the “why” of inclusion in the workplace and how The Rise Journey can help your organization keep this relevant and engaging for your employees. 

According to a recent study done by Harvard Business review, companies with a focus on DEI tend to adapt to change more successfully than those without that focus. “Doing DEI well correlates with better change power, which in turn is linked not only to company performance but also leadership and employee engagement,” the article points out. 

When an organization puts a focus on DEI education and acknowledgement, it contributes to building a strong diverse workplace, helps employees connect to their overall purpose, and allows them to feel a sense of belonging. Offering non-role-specific development opportunities for your workforce can be an important part in growing your employee base and leads to a better understanding of the bigger picture. 

As we look forward to the year ahead, consider the many ways in which The Rise Journey is here to support your employees. For starters, this newsletter will hit your inbox once a month featuring upcoming observances, tips on how to acknowledge them in the workplace, and more! Be sure you’re subscribed and forward to another HR professional in your network to keep them up to date! As always, we have our ever-expanding catalog of Lunch & Learns that cover everything from The Impact of Inclusive Leadership to Encouraging Mental Health & Wellbeing at Work to slam poetry events - check out our full list here.

Key Takeaways:

Prioritize education, embrace January's observances to demonstrate commitment to inclusion, and leverage resources from The Rise Journey, including newsletters and Lunch & Learns, for ongoing support in fostering a inclusive and empathetic workplace culture.

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