The Rise Journey

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Elevating Growth: How Learning and Development Nourishes Human Needs

People operations team attending internal learning and development training.

Is Learning and Development (L&D)  an essential part of personal and professional growth? Does it really have a noteworthy impact on confidence, self-esteem, performance, and fulfillment?  As a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) practitioner, I've observed the power that Learning and Development has on our human needs - and thus our overall well-being.

To bridge a unique gap between the role of Learning and Development (L&D) and achieving personal and professional growth, let’s draw from fellow NLP Practitioner, Tony Robbins, a renowned life and business strategist..  He identified six fundamental human needs that we all strive to fulfill: Certainty, Variety, Significance, Love and Connection, Growth, and Contribution. 

While many of us tend to lean on one need over another in certain instances, the truth remains that we all share all of these needs. Recognizing these needs as part of our continuous learning journey can enhance our growth, development and fulfillment in both personal and professional ways.

These needs serve as guiding principles, influencing our behaviors, decisions, aspirations, and outcomes. 

6 Fundamental Human Needs that Influence L&D Strategies: 

1. Certainty

The first human need that Tony Robbins presents us with is certainty - the need for security and stability.  By continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills, we enhance our competence and adaptability, therefore boosting our confidence and sense of security.  This is essential in a constantly changing world. Ongoing learning provides us with the confidence to feel courage and stability in our ability to secure and maintain fruitful employment over time.

2. Variety

Conversely, the next human need according to Robbins, is variety. This need fuels our curiosity and thirst for new experiences. I have found that expanding learning opportunities in the workplace can satisfy this need by introducing new ideas, tools, and resources, as well as challenges and opportunities for growth. Whether we're exploring new fields, experimenting with innovation, or embarking on uncharted paths in our careers, learning keeps life and work exciting and enriching, instilling a sense of vitality and adventure.

3. Significance

Significance is the third fundamental human need and is related to the need to feel valued and important. As we expand our knowledge and expertise through L&D, we elevate our sense of self-worth and value in the workplace and beyond. In this way, learning empowers us to help others, lead teams, solve problems and serve our clients, customers and colleagues in significant ways. It’s a powerful tool in helping us to reach our full potential and leave a lasting legacy.

4. Love and Connection

Two friends expressing joy and smiling

The fourth human need, love and connection, is all about belonging and community. Whether through formal education, workshops, mentorship programs, or peer networks, continued L&D fosters meaningful connections and deepens our sense of camaraderie and belonging. When learning together and pursuing personal and professional growth, we can often form a bond that breaks down boundaries and enriches our lives in a variety of ways.

5. Growth

Growth, the fifth need, is the need for expansion and development.  It is considered more of a spiritual need and is truly the cornerstone of L&D. Through consistent education, development and self-improvement, we cultivate our potential and evolve into the best versions of ourselves. This allows us to break the chain of boredom and redundancy in order to stretch beyond our comfort zones, overcome obstacles, and experience the victory of becoming more. 

6. Contribution

The sixth and final need also has a spiritual basis - the need for contribution. In many ways this feels like the heart and soul of L&D. It’s the need to give back and make a difference in this world.  What better way to do that, than to expand one’s own knowledge and spread it to others with confidence and clarity. By sharing our knowledge, skills, and experiences with others, we enrich not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us. The commitment to lifelong learning allows us, in turn, to be lifelong teachers - creating a ripple effect of positive change for generations to come.

Perhaps, this is a more poetic view of Learning and Development than you’ve ever considered. Yet, the feedback from employees and employers support this connection between human needs and the personal and professional growth achieved from Learning and Development.  

What the Data Tells Us

When Delvin Peck Consulting cites a PWC study finding that “74% of workers want to acquire new skills in their training {and that} this eagerness to learn is to remain employed and also advance in the workplace”  It echoes the need for certainty, significance, and growth.

Moreover, Forbes Advisor’s reports that “40% of employees have managers that encourage them to learn new skills.” It goes on to say that “having the support of a manager to learn something new is a good sign that they support that employee’s career goals.” This resonates with the needs of variety, connection, and growth.

Final Thoughts

It is my hope that incorporating Tony Robbins' six human needs framework into our understanding of L&D and personal and professional growth amplifies its transformative potential. By aligning our learning goals with these fundamental needs, we can cultivate a sense of confidence, self-esteem, and purpose that propels us towards holistic growth and fulfillment.

As an international self-esteem expert and motivational speaker, I am constantly in the role of both teacher and student, living these principles that I am sharing with you.  For me the journey of Learning and Developing, satisfies my human needs by allowing me to:

  • Be certain of my knowledge, skills, and abilities, over changing times

  • Experience the variety and excitement of new knowledge and new audiences

  • Feel significant, important, and valuable as an expert in my field

  • Connect with you through the exchange of information

  • Move forward, grow and evolve through my human experience

  • Leave a positive legacy and contribute to this planet in meaningful ways

Learning and Development (L&D) is proving to be more than just an optional addition in life and in the workplace.  Today, it appears that L&D may, in fact, be a more crucial element for satisfying our deepest human needs for personal and professional development.

The Rise Journey: Offering Learning and Development Solutions at Every Level

Ready to tap into your full potential and thrive? Look no further than The Rise Journey! Our tailored learning and development solutions cater to your personal and professional growth needs at every level. Addressing fundamental human desires for continuous improvement and fulfillment, we empower you to embrace a purpose-driven life. 

Take the first step towards realizing your aspirations by connecting with our dedicated team today!

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